Blog 13
From the Book of Lehman 16-08
In the beginning there was industry and the people created wealth
and prospered.
Then came forth the financial institutions, a multitude incapable of
creating wealth.
And it came to pass that the people of the financial institutions
became hungry.
And so verily, banks, bankers and un-backed, un-limited credit came to pass.
Like gods they created money out of nothing.
And financial institutions prospered.
And there was a blight on society.
See also: Who creates the ‘real wealth’ in the world?
On 2008-08-16 stock markets around the world collapsed, stocks and
shares tumbled, billions of dollars were apparently lost.
But on 2008-08-17 the wealth of the world was the same as the day
before, the buildings still stood erect, bridges and roads were
intact, in other words nothing had changed in respect of the worlds
wealth, only the perceived value of money and in whose pocket it
resided had changed.
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