Name: Bastet
Material: Black Marble
Block: Large River Pebble
Origin: Yatagan, Turkey
Weight [Kg]: 14.2
Dimensions [Cm]: H:00 W:00 L:00
Inception Date: 2007 September
03 Bastet

This piece was inspired by several pictures of stone representations of the ancient Egyptian goddess 'Bastet'.

The black marble pebble is streaked with attractive light grey marble. The black marble has a strange, almost 'oily' quality while being worked, while the grey streaks cause small sparks when touched by the grinding wheel, I've no idea what type of rock [marble?], the grey streaks might be.

Most of the modeling for 'Bastet' was done by our cat Casper [pronounced Jesper in Turkey], who is featured in some of the pictures below: 

As of November 2010 I still consider his piece to be unfinished, I am still waiting for inspiration to complete the face details [and perhaps I will leave it as it is]. When finally complete the collar and pendant will be spray painted shiny gold.

In ancient Greek and Egyptian times it was normal for most stone sculptures to be painted. I prefer the natural marble to be left unpainted, but in the case of Bastet I will make an exception for her collar in order to complete the theme of Ancient Egypt.


Bastet 0 - A marble sculpture by Cliff Fraser Bastet 1 - A marble sculpture by Cliff Fraser
The Original Pebble

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Bastet 2 - A marble sculpture by Cliff Fraser Bastet 3 - A marble sculpture by Cliff FraserBastet 5 - A marble sculpture by Cliff FraserBastet 4 - A marble sculpture by Cliff Fraser

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